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Positive people are not positive because they've skated through life. They're positive because they've been through hell and decided they don't want to live there anymore.

15 Practical Tips for Mastering Positive Thinking

Our world makes it tough to be naturally optimistic. From your aunt constantly complaining to the negativity that we are inundated with on social media, it takes effort to fill our days with lightheartedness. Some days are downright impossible to rise above. So, why should we try?

The benefits of a positive mindset are supported by real scientific studies. Recent positive psychology research proves that practicing positive thinking helps us reach our potential in every aspect of life.

Don’t believe us? This research study followed over 70K women for 10 years, which concluded in 2011. The researchers found that positivity has the power to affect our physical health. The women who practiced positive thinking in the study had:

  • Increased quality of life
  • More energy
  • Better psychological and physical health
  • Less cases of depression
  • Better coping skills throughout challenges
  • Higher life span as compared to those with a negative mindset

These findings are further supported from Mayo Clinic’s studies. Their researchers have explored the effects of positive thinking on health which include:

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress and pain
  • Greater resistance to illnesses
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Reduced risk of death from respiratory conditions
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

Don’t get us wrong – positive thinking will not miraculously cure severe illnesses or make challenges disappear into thin air. Yet, having a positive outlook enables you to effectively cope with challenging situations, which can reduce overall stress on the body. Positivity provides us with fueling determination that enables us to push through inevitable challenges that arise.

Have you heard of the viral motto, “Change your mind, change your life?” When it comes down to it, our mind sets the tone for our experience. As soon as we wake up, we have a choice to focus on what’s going well in our lives or what’s going wrong. The definition from Kendra Cherra (Very Well Mind, 2017) says it best:

“Positive thinking actually means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad things; instead, it involves making the most of the potentially bad situations, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.”

If you’re looking to build a strong positive mindset, you’re not alone. This article shares practical strategies that can help you develop a positive outlook that lasts. Pick one or two that resonate with you, practice them daily, and watch your life soar into new beginnings:

1. Take a 30-Day Positivity Challenge

If you’ve been thinking of ways to add more positivity to your life, however, you’ve lost your focus recently, a positivity 30 day challenge is a great solution! Zig Ziglar once said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.” The same goes for practicing and mastering positivity. In general, 30 day challenges are POWERFUL. How exactly? If any of you have read Atomic Habits you know that the system that we use for building better habits and actions is one of the most important (and often underrated) ways we can change our lives.

It isn’t inspiration that help us achieve a massive goal in the end, it’s the system that we use. It’s vital to build a system that is EASY and VISIBLE; otherwise, it will likely fade away over time. As highlighted in, “Do 30 Day Challenges Actually Work?” 30-day challenges are typically foolproof considering:

  • They give you the boost that you need to get started to make a significant change
  • The activities are short and easy to implement
  • Once you begin, the consistent and daily repetition helps you implement the desired change with ease
  • As you conquer and achieve daily successes, they give you the satisfaction and recognition you need to KEEP GOING

The 30 Day Positivity Challenge is listed here.

2. Surround yourself with positive people.

They say we become like the 5 people we spend time with the most. Scary, isn’t it?

As you can imagine, beliefs and attitudes are contagious. Make sure you have supportive cheerleaders in your circle who help you cope through life’s challenges and make you feel comfortable to be yourself. Remember, positivity begets more positivity.

3.  Think of something positive upon waking up.

Although it’s tough to master, act happy as soon as you wake, even if you don’t feel happy. Start your day off by thinking of something you’re looking forward to. Want to know why? Starting off with positive daily thoughts increases the likelihood of similar thoughts to occur throughout your day. Your thoughts and behavior are a product of conscious choice – so, make sure your thoughts are helping you and not hurting you. You can either see the difficulty in every situation, or the opportunity. Tough situations either make you bitter or better. As with any skill, you have to practice uttering positive thoughts in order for it to be a become a habit. Think of your brain as a magnet….if you crave gratitude, you can make a conscious choice to focus on that yourself which can impact your overall environment. For example, if you have a need for someone appreciating you, start appreciating strangers that come in your path. Make a conscious effort to build others up around you, as you realize that may be a need for them too. Consider all the positive interactions you have as a result of this conscious choice.

4. Complete a thought audit.

Are you concentrating on someone else’s faults and not leaving room for potential new information to change your mind? Flood your brain with positive thoughts about them and you’ll be the one who ends up benefiting. It feels better to love the people we have close contact with, even if we don’t understand or approve of everything they do. If you focus on what’s missing, you’ll never see what’s there. How can you expand on the good things in your relationship so that the negative junk becomes less important? For 5 minutes, compare how many positive thoughts you have had in the past hour vs negative thoughts. Are you focusing on how you’re behind on something vs celebrating a win? Are you concentrating on someone else’s faults and not leaving room for potential new information to change your mind? Remind yourself that those thoughts aren’t helpful…and stop allowing your inner negativity narrator to take the stage. If you focus on what’s missing, you’ll never see what’s there. Expand on the good things so that the negative junk becomes less important. As Louise Hay once said, “The thoughts you choose to think and believe right now are creating your future. These thoughts form your experiences tomorrow, next week, and next year.” Without training and focus, it is easy to fixate on the negative when faced with tough situations. Instead, train your brain to think of something positive when something negative occurs. Let’s play this out in real life….Did you fail at work? If so, what did it teach you and how will you bounce back? Did you get into a fight with a close friend? If so, how can it make the bond stronger? Did you lose someone close to you? If so, how will you commemorate them moving forward, keep their legacy alive, or make them proud of you? 

4. Create a daily gratitude ritual.

Expressing gratitude can energize, inspire, and transform you. How you practice gratitude depends on your preference. A few options are listed below: Write down 3 things you’re grateful for as soon as you wake up. State 3 things you’re grateful as you lay in your bed every night. Add to a long-standing gratitude list in a diary during lunch.

5. Lose track of time during a flow activity.

Invest your energy in 1 activity that provides you with pure, unfiltered joy. The New York Times Best Seller Book, Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience illustrates how important it is to recharge and plan time in your life for little moments when you do absolutely nothing as you get lost in a creative trance.

6. Learn a new habit, skill, or life hack.

There is something about learning that makes you feel alive and young, no matter your age! It feels so good becoming a beginner again. What have you always wanted to learn to do but haven’t due to lack of time? Today is your day! Dedicate the day to making strides towards learning something new that makes your life better. Chances are, once you try to learn, you’ll continue to keep it going tomorrow, too.

7. Purchase a self-improvement book.

Get lost in a book that helps you grow. No matter what you’re going through, there are inspiring reads that can allow you to morph into the truest version of yourself. For some initial inspiration, check out the Goodreads Self-Help Section.

8. Create a positivity playlist.

Many of us have turned to music during trying times. Whether it’s a bad break-up or a beloved’s loss, we’ve turned to ballads to help us cope and recharge our souls. While we rarely make this connection, the same goes for uplifting times as well. The next time you’re trying to maximize your day, you can turn to music to supercharge your mental state. Has anyone ever had a bad day after waking up to, Walking on Sunshine?We think not. The real question is, what songs lift you to greater heights? What songs remind you of treasured memories with people who are no longer here? The arts, and music specifically, can transfer us into different time periods, memories, and states. Check out The 50 Happiest Songs of All Time, some are surprisingly splendid!

9. Reflect on the good things happening in your life.

Make a list of ten reasons why the present moment is good enough for you right now. Things like “you light up rooms”, “you have a healthy body,” “you have people that love you,” “you sustain traditions, “you have choices and freedom,” or “you have a sense of humor.”

10. Forgive someone that hurt you.

This can be one of the toughest activities in this list and the most rewarding. In Forgiving Others Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself, you’ll see piles of research that proves forgiveness is an important part of how happy people live their lives. In addition, you’ll see tips for practicing forgiveness such as calming your emotions and practicing gratitude for what the experience taught you.

11. Take time for a simple pleasure that you adore. 

Simple pleasures can be described as unassuming positive experiences that arise in everyday settings that are low-cost and highly valued. Whether it’s initiating a local nature trip, watching an uplifting movie, or buying a new planner – simple pleasures are the experiences that we often take for granted that bring us an immense amount of joy. What you have saved for later that you should start, today? Sometimes, we just need a an enjoyable activity to change our mindset.

Go for a run. Take a free online course. Try a local yoga studio. Pick up a new hobby. Create a colorful to-do list. Make your living room cozy. Arrange a get-together. Create something beautiful. Pick up a magazine or book you’ve been eyeing at your nearest bookstore. 

12. Tune into your emotions. 

We can control our internal response to external stimuli. Instead of dismissing emotions as they arise, allow yourself to name them and rise above them. Let emotions run their course, just as you would a thunderstorm. Emotions roar, howl, and eventually fade away. Building enhanced emotional awareness and understanding can help you transform your day. Pain is inevitable, yet, how long and how much you suffer is a choice. It’s not what happens to us that hurts us, it’s our response to a situation that hurts us. If you feel upset, accurately identify your emotions as they happen by tuning into your body. What are they telling you? If you’re grumpy…are you jealous? Are you feeling incompetent? You are in control, don’t allow emotions to take over your entire psyche.

Instead, dig into the root cause and train yourself to take action. Ask yourself why you feel this way and how you can make it better. You’re as happy as you decide to be. Accept where you are right now. Don’t be consumed with how things could be. Mark this moment as a new beginning. Don’t get carried away with unhelpful emotions like jealousy, anger, and fear. As soon as you feel them, replace them with gratitude. If you purposely acknowledge emotions, they instantly hold less power.

14. Take a moment to be present.

Don’t ever lose your ability to live in the present. One of my favorite quotes is “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” In other words, if you don’t control your life, it will control you. It is important to intentionally live in the moment while focusing on beauty. Taking deliberate actions consistently will inspire you to worry less, feel at peace, and change your perspective. Make it a habit to become completely absorbed in an activity to the point where you lose track of time.

Make sure to initiate experiences that allow this mentality to thrive on a regular basis. Invest your energy in activities that challenge your brain and push out worrisome thoughts. Moments where you are growing, thinking, and reflecting voluntarily. You need time in each day to recharge which will allow you to become productive again. Plan time in your life for moments when you do absolutely nothing except reflect.

Remember presence is just as important as productivity. It is important to secure time for yourself and give yourself time to breathe for a real energy boost. Mindfulness is a learned skill – enjoy the moment(s) and you will enjoy your life. Achievements are important but what is equally important is fulfillment along the journey. 

15. Remind yourself that ANYONE can transform themselves at ANY TIME.

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right.” What you think about yourself is based on your past experiences and your mindset, whether it is good or bad. Act as if you’re already positive in a situation if it doesn’t come natural. Write a list of all the things you’re proud of for doing or being. Now that you know what areas of your life you’re proud of, identify 1 action you will do to expand your portfolio of success. Don’t forget to reward yourself for it. Had to introduce one of my favorite Ted Talks of All Time by Amy Cuddy! 

And there you have it! You’re now equipped with practical strategies to transform your life as early as tomorrow.

The way to overcome negative thoughts and destructive emotions is to develop opposing, positive emotions that are stronger and more powerful. -Dalai Lama

Here are a few other articles that can help you add positivity to your life:

Positive people are not positive because they've skated through life. They're positive because they've been through hell and decided they don't want to live there anymore.

The post 15 PRACTICAL TIPS FOR MASTERING POSITIVE THINKING appeared first on Positivity Pledge.

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